Children who get a good breakfast before class focus, concentrate and perform better

Do you know that children skip breakfast more than any other meal of the day? This translates to some children going for as long as 15 hours or more without food. This does not just leave their stomachs empty and growling but also impacts on their concentration and their ability to learn and understand in school.

Children who get a good breakfast before class focus, concentrate and perform better in and out of school. Those who normally skip breakfast tend to develop behaviour problems and are likely to be slow in almost everything they do.

Many parents will try to compensate lack of breakfast by providing hefty and well balanced meals in the course of the day. However, even children who are well nourished but skip breakfast can develop the above mentioned problems.

Considering the time most children leave for school, it may be very challenging for them to work up an appetite and eat something.

A common mistake that most parents make is to try and feed the children first thing after getting out of bed.

Most children will have difficulties eating at this time, so practice the ‘dress first then eat rule’. Children are more likely to feel hungry once they have had a chance to completely wake up.


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Some children may also not feel hungry early in the morning because they snack at night; it important for parents to try and avoid giving snacks after dinner. You will be surprised how much hungrier they will be in the morning.

Most families have a busy schedule so getting breakfast on the table may be tricky. Setting the breakfast table at night and deciding what you will have for breakfast can make the morning a little smoother.

This way, the children can serve themselves as the parents prepare for work. Alternatively, you can choose meals that do not need extra preparation and are more palatable in the morning.

Finally, be a good role model. Children have a tendency to mimic their parent’s behaviour so make it a habit to sit down and eat breakfast with the children every morning.

If there is no time to eat at home, pack to-go. Your children can have the packed breakfast in the bus on the way to school or before entering the class room.

Be sure to include a protein and a carbohydrate in the breakfast. The carbohydrate will energise the little one’s body and brain for a busy day a head in school; protein is what they need to go strong until lunch.

Remember, eating in the morning is essential for optimal school performance and overall health. Children who eat breakfast tend to do better at school and will have and maintain healthier weights and cholesterol levels.

-Faith Kariuki is a mother and a nutrition and wellness consultant at Afya Bora Nutrition & Wellness Centre. Suite 16, 5th Avenue Office Suites along 5th Ngong Avenue, Nairobi.