Magic hands

1. Myotherapy...what is it?

It is a form of therapy that uses trigger points of the body to balance the muscular and skeletal system.

2. How do you do that?

I use acupressure, lymphatic drainage and massage.

3. This is beginning to sound like a session in a science class...

That is about right, but you can lean it more towards the medical end. In simple terms you can call it medical massage.

4. Are you a quack?

You tell me. I studied Cosmetology at Vera Beauty College and then went to Raven Nest College in Nairobi where I studied full Anatomy and Physiology before starting my own practice, Natural Wellness and Holistic Therapy. And I have done this for three years... Am I a quack?

5. Ethics...

That one... I handle female patients and massage involves a personal interaction with patients. They do take their clothes off and I am a man and all that but my work remains supreme. No kidding about it.

6. You had all these other career paths to take... Why do this?

I loved my dad very much. He was diagnosed with diabetes and it took a toll on him badly. In two years, he had to undergo laser eye surgery. The surgery went bad and he went blind. For eight years, he lived in pain as his condition worsened. Eventually he died of heart failure. The whole thing made me feel that humans need not go through so much pain and somehow inspired me towards the path of medicine.

7. You are not a medic...

I’m not. My grades were not good enough. I now realise this was my true calling.

8. You like your work...

I like it a lot. I find that I help a lot of people. That is important to me.

9. What is the most basic thing about human anatomy that most people seem not to get?

People, most of the time, forget that the human anatomy is made of different systems working together. They forget that the skeletal system, the digestive system, the endocrine system, the muscular system and the nervous system are individual systems but they work together, so much that should one of those systems be impaired then we will not have the body functioning as it should.

10. How long does a shoulder pain healing take?

For complete healing, one would require five sessions. These sessions are one hour to two hour sessions that can go from one month to three months.

11. Such sessions definitely cost an arm...

Maybe not. The pricing starts from less than Sh5,000 per session and changes depending on the type of therapy and sessions.

12. Conventional medicine has treatment procedures and medication for pain. How closely do you work with doctors and hospitals?

Very true. There is conventional pain medication. Where I come in is that I can heal the pain without the medication. Using reflexology and massage and the other forms of therapy, I can take away the pain completely. I don’t and cannot prescribe medicine. This not withstanding it, should be clear that the two processes work together. I don’t mind my patients seeing a doctor. In fact, should there be need; I encourage them to see doctors.

13. The doctors; are they okay with the way things are?

A good number of doctors do not recognise what we do. They think what we offer is unnecessary. Some think we are quacks. This limits the cohesive working arrangement that we should be having with them.



Mr.Magic hands;Mark Njenga