Skipping breakfast is a leading cause of the migraines (Shutterstock)

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. As the saying goes, 'Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper'.

On the contrary, you'll notice that at times, skipping breakfast can rise in count. Read on to find out the effects that follow when this habit is adopted.

Weight gain

When you skip breakfast, you're more likely to eat a lot at lunch or during diner just before sleeping.

This predisposes you to gaining weight since you have a short span of burning the consumed calories.

If you want to have a trimmed up body, make a habit of consuming breakfast with the first hour of being awake.


A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition on women concluded that those who only ate breakfast an average of zero to six times per week were at a higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes than women who ate breakfast every day.

The reason behind this is, you'll tend to have higher blood sugar levels during lunch time. This ultimately leads to chronic insulin resistance.

 You do not have to eat a lot of food varieties, but concentrate on fruits and some fibre and energy foods (Shutterstock)

Having migraines

Do you suffer from a throbbing migraine which you can't pinpoint its origin? Well, skipping breakfast is a leading cause of the migraines.

Your blood sugar is imbalanced and you're likely to be dehydrated after waking up. This triggers a migraine which should be cleared by better breakfast feeding habits.

Memory and cognitive disfunction

You're more likely to have your mind on a go slow if you skip breakfast. Firstly, you'll lack the energy to carry on with your duties and are likely to have some memory lapse. In short, your brain doesn't have enough to function.

Heart disease

Being the most dangerous effect, skipping breakfast can lead you down this heartless path.

As a result of skipping breakfast, you'll get hypertension and are more likely to have high blood pressure. This may not occur immediately, but happens over time.

To avoid the torment that comes with all the above symptoms, save yourself and spare some breakfast time.

You do not have to eat a lot of food varieties, but concentrate on fruits and some fibre and energy foods like oats, cornflakes or porridge.

Eating breakfast daily will save your life, bite by bite. 

I have a hard time parting with...

Breakfast;Healthy Eating;Wellness;Nutrition