Love languages have a lot to do with how one expresses love to another. I stumbled upon the 5 Love Languages theory and researched vastly on it. It constitutes of: gift giving, quality time, words of affirmation, acts of service and physical touch. This theory was developed by Gary Chapman and has brought upbeat changes in various relationships. DawnChere and Rich Wilkwerson who are pastors that presided over Kanye and Kim’s wedding said on Steve Harvey Show “…so often, we love people the way we want to be loved but we all receive love in different ways” Learning your partner’s primary and secondary love language is valuable in relationships.

One can learn their primary and secondary love language by doing the following short quiz online:

Celebrities like Oprah Winfrey did the quiz on her show and she found what her primary love language is.

For one to discover another person’s love language they have to observe how they express love to others, evaluate what they whine about and what your partner complains about frequently. This is how to apply the five love languages:

Gift Giving

Gift giving is important. It emphasis on thoughtfulness and it is tangible. One feels loved especially girls who flaunt to their girl friends. “He got me this watch” Their faces lit up because gift giving is a viable expression of love for them. If you grew up in a family where you were not used to being showered with gifts, you might not see the importance. However, keep in mind it isn’t how you give love but how your partner receives love.


Quality Time

Time is precious commodity. We all have work, school, side hustles or other demands of life. When spending time with your significant other, maximize it. This isn’t the time to snapchat or updates your twitter feed but time to spend with your partner especially when quality time is a primary love language for either.


Acts of Service

This just involves doing things that your partner will like you to do for them. It merely means seeking to please him or her by serving them which entails expressing love by doing things for your loved one. It could be from cooking, typing out an assignment for your girlfriend or taking your partner’s spoilt laptop to a technician.

Words of Affirmation

Words speak volumes. They can break or build something. The tongue is a powerful tool and should be used wisely. “I love you, I appreciate you, I celebrate you” or unsolicited compliments could be a person’s primary love language. Ignoring this is perforating holes in your boat of love and a person may fall out of relationship because their emotional needs are not met.


Physical Touch

Physical touch is a powerful vehicle for communicating love. Holding hands, kissing cuddling and the likes revitalize love especially if physical touch is their primary love language. Without it, they feel unloved. With it, their emotional self is filled, and they feel secure in the love of their spouse.



