How many times have you thought about going for a walk or doing a workout then you promise to do it later and it never happens?

The ‘not now’ attitude can be paralysing. We have the best of desires and intentions, but due to our own fears, laziness or mixed up priorities, we just never seem to go ahead and reach our goals.

Here are some questions for you to think about and steps to help you break free from procrastination:

Vicious cycle

What are some of the things you want to improve in your life that you are saying ‘not now’ to? For example, are you looking to: Lose weight and get in shape; improve your overall health and well-being; have more energy; have more fun, laughter and passion; be happier; relax more and have greater inner peace?

We all put things off at different times, often for genuine reasons. It is, however, easy to put off health goals such as exercise or healthy eating because the results or effects of not doing them are not immediately visible.

The cost of putting off your health goals can be tremendous. For example, if you’re too tired and lazy to eat properly, exercise and get proper rest, then your heart and blood will get tired and lazy too. This is called heart attack and it can cost your life. Procrastination can also lead to a vicious cycle that is hard to break.

Take charge

Make your health and happiness your top priorities. Your job, family and other responsibilities are important, but if you are not taking care of yourself, you will continue to live a limited life physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Taking charge of your health changes your outlook and quality of life

 Make the decision to embrace change now. If you’re a ‘not now’ person and it is not serving you, then make the decision this moment to embrace change instead of continuing to resist it tooth and nail. It’s time to let go of the resistance.

Step beyond fear

Be willing to do the work and make the commitment. Improving your health, body, outlook and quality of life takes work. If you truly want to be healthier and happier, put in the time, effort and commitment required. What you put in will determine what you get.

Take action. Some people don’t take action because they’re afraid of change, failure or commitment. Recognise the fears and self-doubts, but do it anyway. Sometimes it’s that first step that is the hardest. Just dig deep and find the courage to step beyond your fears.


procastination; life; health; body