Vacations are synonymous with relaxation. However, some people find it hard to forget the hustle and bustle of daily life and unwind. Whether you book a cruise, visit a beautiful island or choose to camp in a game park, the tips below will help your mind and body relax leaving you feeling rejuvenated. 

1. Book an all-inclusive package

It’s very easy to worry about overspending while you are on holiday. Extras such as food, transport, park fees, etc., can ruin your budget leaving you stressed when you should be relaxing. When taking a leisure trip, ensure you book an all-inclusive package. Depending on your travel agent, an all-inclusive package will cater for your room, meals, drinks, transport, park fees, and other activities that are available at your holiday destination.

This means that you will not have to worry about additional charges and bar bills and you can also say goodbye to paying for any extra trips because these are all covered in your package. Other hidden charges like taxes are also covered and will be the least of your worries.

2. Leave your work at home

You’re on vacation. Leave your work at home! Work is the one thing that can easily get in the way of a good vacation particularly now with the increased use of the internet and email. Turn off email notifications. Mute work Whatsapp groups. Inform your colleagues that you’re on holiday and that they should avoid contacting you until you get back. If you really can’t stay away from the internet, restrict yourself to social media and keeping in touch with your family members.  Live in the moment. Enjoy your new surroundings, drink up the atmosphere and make lasting memories.

3. Location, location, location

Your choice of destination matters more than you think. Some destinations like the Caribbean Islands, Barbados and Jamaica are perfect destinations for a relaxing luxury trip. We also have our local beaches which are world-class. Choose a holiday destination that you know will help you relax. For instance, if you have an inherent fear of bugs and anything that crawls avoid camping!

4. Utilise the hotel gym

Exercising may not be your first choice especially when you’re on vacation and want to relax. Nevertheless, the rush of endorphins you get when you exercise will help calm your mind and body putting you in the perfect holiday mood. Start your day with a good workout and you will feel energised for the rest of the day. Another plus of including a workout in your holiday routine is that it allows you to dig into the amazing hotel buffet guilt-free.

5. Get a good night's sleep

Some hotels will provide you with extra pillows and even give you a body pillow to help you sleep better. If you are in a hotel rewards program you can pre-select the bedding you prefer. The point here is to take every step, even ordering chamomile tea or hot chocolate, to ensure that you have good, uninterrupted sleep.

6. Try something new

Vacations are about more than just lying on the beach. You can try new things like bungee jumping, sky diving, snorkelling, visiting historical sites, learn how to prepare the local cuisine, etc.  Go through your bucket list and see what you can tick off by the end of your holiday.