The second half of the year brings with it more pressure - most of us in the workplace are gearing up for performance reviews, knowing we have just a few more months to make sure we hit our targets. We have some time to reevaluate how the first six months of the year went and we can compare our individual goals to what we have achieved, or what we haven't.

But if we are all employing the same tactics to grow in our careers, how do we set ourselves apart and ensure that we are considered for that prime promotion or that special project? I spoke to a few of my friends who are in mid-level management about what they would have done differently in their 20s or what they wish they knew and these are the tips they would have given to their younger selves. Be brave Scary as it may be, make an effort to have informal sessions with your boss, supervisor or a more senior individual in your organisation every once in a while - be it breakfast, lunch or coffee. For some people, the first time they have an informal one-on-one or a casual lunch with their bosses is when they want to announce that they are leaving. These sessions serve many different purposes - they show that you are willing to take your career progression into your hands. They also give you a no-pressure space to take about what you find exciting and fulfilling about your role, and what you don't. If you do not communicate this to your boss or supervisor, they will never consider you when a position opens up or when they hear of a new project. And if your boss does not see eye to eye with you, then you will know this upfront and make an informed about whether this is the kind of organisation you want to stay at. Conforming The workplace is as much a social structure as any other. We want to fit in, we don't want to ruffle feathers but in the process we may be stifling our potential. There's something to be said about the company we keep too. If you're part of a clique at work that spends all their time being snarky and complaining about the bosses, you're unlikely to express the desire to nab a promotion or to grow your career within the organisation. Remember that while you may want to fit in, you are personally responsible and accountable for your goals and dreams. Choose to interact with other like-minded people who are positive and willing to grow each other than to tear each other down. The grapevine What role do you play in the office rumor mill? Are you the person who everyone runs to when they hear a disparaging remark about a colleague because they know you will always be ready to listen and spread nasty gossip? Or are you the person that your team members can trust because they know you will never repeat anything they say to you in confidence? TIPS - Walk away when water-cooler talk turns into a gossip session, practice the art of walking away and decline to ever contribute to a juicy discussion about someone as tempting as it may be. - Interact with colleagues that can support your dreams, goals and with who you can build relationships for life.
