Cutting down on sugar is easier said than done because it is highly addictive and your body needs it. According to doctors, sugar triggers the same rewards center in the brain as a drug like, cocaine.

This white poison when over consumed, which most people tend to do, wrecks havoc in our bodies. If you find yourself incapable of going a day without a cup of coffee, cake, sweets or anything that will put your taste buds on overdrive, you need to check yourself.

Chances are you are talking too much sugar considering the average person consumes over 15-20 teaspoons of sugar a day.

Might you be suffering from a full-blown sugar addiction? Here are you may have a sweetness problem.

Increased cavities

According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NICDR), bacteria in the mouth feeds on sugars which creates harmful acids. These acids then destroy tooth enamel and cavities are formed by the acids that create a bacterial infection which leaves a hole in the tooth. To save your pearly whites from rotting it is important to brush often and more importantly tame the sweet treats.

Sugar cravings

According to researchers, foods high in sugar have been shown to activate the reward pathway in the brain by releasing dopamine, similar to that of addictive drugs. The more you feed your body with sweet things the more sugar it will keep demanding hence the cravings. Sugary foods are sweet and addictive, giving us a quick 'fix' that tempts us back time and time again. 

Low energy

The reason you feel tired all of a sudden sometimes could be attributed to a sugar crush. This happens when your body reacts to large amounts of sugar by producing large amounts of insulin in order to metabolize the sugar in your blood. Following the consumption of sugar, the pancreas releases insulin to help transfer glucose to the cells, meaning we may experience a rush of energy. Once used up, you can experience a dip in energy as the body demands more sugar to start the cycle all over again. This sudden drop in sugar can leave the body feeling exhausted, as there is no sugar left to power it.

Weak immune system

Too much intake of sugar weakens the immune system that attack bacteria. So when the cells are slowed down by juices and junk food, they have a harder time keeping the body healthy and attacking harmful germs.

Weight gain

This should be one of the most obvious sign, but many tend to ignore it. When the body has too much sugar, it's stored to be converted into energy later. But if the sugar isn't used as energy it just becomes fat, hanging around in unwanted areas like the stomach.

Mood swings

According to Power of Positivity, sugar rushes and crashes can cause swings in mood as your blood sugar level changes. If you need a constant drip of sugar into your system in order to keep your mood stable, then you might be addicted to sugar.