Photo: Courtesy

8 tips to get your body into great shape.

It’s time to stop with the excuses.  Get outside and get moving.

Hit the trail

Enjoying the great outdoors can reduce depression and help boost self-esteem. Even walking for just 20 minutes can burn up to 100 calories and done regularly will improve fitness and body shape.

Get on your bike

Cycling is a great way to shape up and it’s easy to see why: it’s cheap, gentle on your joints, combats flab and is a great way to explore open spaces.

Run for fun

Start running to be in shape. Sounds daunting? Don’t be put off by the idea that running is only for serious athletes – anyone can run if you start small.

Have a spring-clean

Been putting off that major clear-out? Classify it as exercise and get it done. Why not take out the contents of your cupboards? All that lifting and reaching will give you a great upper body workout.

Find a fitness buddy

Whether you’re trying to shed a few pounds or simply want to maintain a healthy lifestyle, all the evidence shows that exercising with a friend or loved one increases your chances of success.

Catch the Zumba bug

These Latino dance/fitness classes have become hugely popular in the last two years, and can now be found at most gyms. Fans say they’re more like going to a party than working out, which has got to be a good thing!

Exercise in the morning

Make good use of the extra light by getting up just 30 minutes earlier each morning. This will make it much easier for you to fit exercise into a busy schedule.

Move to the music

A Canadian study found that women who ­listened to music while they exercised lost far more weight than women who didn’t.