Hair loss, also known as alopecia or baldness, can be described as the loss of hair from part of the head or body.

Losing your hair at any age can be distressing, but even more so when it's premature or severe. For many people it can be a blow to their self-esteem and cause them to throw money at just about anything to try and save their hair. The truth is, everyone will develop some degree of hair loss as they age.

It happens during your morning shower, while you’re blowing it dry or when you give it a quick brush which is very normal. According to Francesca Fusco, MD, a New York City dermatologist who specializes in hair loss, “On average, we lose fifty to a hundred hairs a day. That’s just hair going through its cycles and there will be a new one to replace it.” 

Hair loss might be more common among men but it is increasingly affecting women too. About 40 percent of women will experience hair loss by the time they hit 50.

Fortunately, identifying the cause of your hair loss can help you combat it by taking preventative measures.

Here are seven reasons why you may be experiencing hair loss.

A shift in the weather

When the weather changes, it also affects your body which then affects your hair growth cycle. Your hair grows fastest in the warmer seasons but it also means that you will shed more hair at the end of that season. Consuming a diet that is rich in iron, healthy fats and proteins can help with the transition and ensure your hair keeps growing steadily.


Physical and emotional stress triggers the production of hormones that are harmful to your hair growth cycle. When you are stressed, your body releases the hormone cortisol that causes your hair to fall out and also affects your skin. The best way to avoid this is by meditating and exercising regularly.

Cotton pillowcases

Cotton has a very coarse texture that will suck the moisture out of your hair. The friction between the cotton and your hair strands will weaken your follicles making your hair appear thin and brittle. It is best to swap a cotton pillowcase for a satin or silk one.

Your hair is always in a ponytail

While a ponytail is a nice and simple way to keep your hair out of your face and get on with your day, you should not do it for more than four times a week.  This also includes when you are going to sleep. This is because elastic bands exert concentrated pressure on one area that will cause crazy breakage and shedding. Always look for snag free hair ties that don’t have any metallic pieces.

Skipping conditioner

Conditioner is an important aspect of moisturizing your hair.  When you skip it, your scalp gets dry and causes inflammation around your hair follicle which then leads to your hair shedding before it finishes its growth cycle.

Over styling your hair

Doing anything extreme to your hair will affect the heath of your hair. This is especially true when using hot tools or keratin treatments. Over styling depletes moisture in your hair which causes it to break when it should be stretching. Avoid chemicals, straighteners and blow dryers as much as you can to prevent hair loss.

Not shampooing correctly

If you notice more hair clogging up your shower drain, you are probably not shampooing as often as you should. This is because we loose about 50-100 hairs daily so when you go for long without shampooing, the shed hair is just sitting on your scalp. Shampooing regularly will ensure that you are not clogging up your hair follicles and ensure a health scalp.

Have you ever lied to get what you wanted?

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