Coconut yoghurt is ideal for those who are lactose intolerant (Shutterstock)

For those looking for dairy-free alternatives or simple wishing to sample more variety, coconut yoghurt is the latest darling in the local market.

Although coconut yoghurt has been available in specialist stores for a while, it is becoming increasingly mainstream and can be found in many supermarkets. So, what exactly is it?

The basic ingredients of coconut yoghurt are full-fat coconut milk with probiotics. Commercially available products will also have preservatives to improve their shelf life but they may also have flavouring and other ingredients.

Coconut yoghurt is ideal for those who are lactose intolerant and looking for a dairy-free yoghurt. It is high in saturated fat so should be eaten in moderate quantities. It is higher in carbohydrates and lower in protein than dairy yoghurt so makes a good energy food and it is beneficial to gut health as it contains probiotics.

Look for versions fortified with added vitamins as it does not naturally contain calcium like regular yoghurt. Coconut yoghurt is delicious eaten on its own or with fruit, added to cereals or smoothies or stirred into curries.

You can make your own at home by adding probiotics to a high fat coconut milk or cream. You can also use a commercially available coconut yoghurt as a starter as long as it has active cultures. Let it sit for up to 48 hours and enjoy!

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Coconut Yoghurt;Fuel It;Healthy Eating