A proper diet is all you need and some home workout videos (Photo: iStock)
Use a skipping rope

Some of the equipment you use at the gym like skipping ropes are quite affordable.

You can get your own skipping rope and have your own daily skipping.

This is also the fastest and easiest way to ensure you literally break a sweat without spending any money or leaving the house.

Tip: You can put on some workout music to entertain you while you are skipping. A timer is also useful in helping you manage the amount of time you spend exercising.

Do house chores as a routine

Doing house chores may seem like an inward battle for most people but when you make the process fun, it can actually act as a workout routine.

You can put on some music and dance while you get the dishes done or as you launder the house. Once done with the cleaning process, you'll have actually sweated and you'll feel much lighter.

Try not to clean the house only because it is dirty, make it a habit of cleaning your house daily so it can act as part of your workout routine.

Go for walks

You can go for long evening walks on less crowded roads and exercise your legs after a long day of work.

After sitting all day and probably doing paperwork, it can be exhausting and you will need a channel to get off some steam. A walk will not only help you stretch but it will also let you relieve stress.

When you breathe in the fresh air and have a change of environment, you calm your nerves and feel more relaxed.

Work on a proper diet

Your body is what you feed it. In the journey of keeping fit, you need to plan your meals and ensure they are well-balanced.

Your body needs enough calories and nutrients to fuel your daily activities. Slow down on junk foods that do not add any nutritional value to your body.

Also, hydrate as often as you can. Ensure you always take the recommended eight glasses of water a day.

Water regulates your body temperature and lubricates your joints. It also helps transport nutrients around the body giving you energy and keeping you healthy.

Healthy Living Fitness Tips Living