Involve your family in the walks to make them more interesting and fun (Image: Shutterstock)

One of the easiest, cheapest and safest ways to stay fit and exercise is walking.

You don’t need a companion to hit the trail or an instructor to give you orders and the weather can’t stop you either unless it is really ugly out there.

In short, you have no excuse not to work out when all you need to do is walk for a few miles a day at a moderate pace to stay healthy.

What you require at this point is a good pair of shoes and you can literally walk to anywhere.

Before you know it, your blood pressure will be normal, the risk of a heart attack will be lowered, your core strength will increase and your overall immunity will improve.

I mean, that sounds like a good deal right? To get on board and start walking to keep fit here are some tips on how you can make that a reality:

Make it fun

Not everyone enjoys working out which is quite understandable. If you fall under this category, make walking a little enjoyable and you will find every motivation to do it.

You can choose to use this opportunity to enjoy your own ‘’me’’ time without any distractions or interruptions. Not only will it help you to relax but you will be able to clear your mind and go back home feeling more refreshed.

If you would rather have some company invite your friends, family or colleagues to join you. This way you will be able to bond and catch up as well.

You can also pick your location wisely to reap off the benefits of some fresh air and good scenery. And every time you spend in nature will automatically boost your mood.

 Start slow, for instance walk from the bus stop to the office every morning and evening (Image: Shutterstock)
Start slowly

If you’re just starting out, don’t push yourself. Keep it simple and start with a 10-minute walk then build it up from there.

Factor in your health in case your doctor has raised some concerns and don’t overdo it. As much as the goal here is to walk at a brisk pace, slow down once you feel your heart is about to come out of your mouth.

You should be breathing hard but not too hard where you cannot complete a sentence without running out of breath.

Do it anywhere

Going for holiday or visiting your mother should not keep you from walking. Unlike other exercises that require special gym equipment, all you need is a good pair of comfortable sneakers and you’re good to go.

Identify a spot nearby and take advantage of it. You can be doing grocery runs for the family during your visit so you can walk to the store or choose to walk to the malls or theme parks while on holiday. Find a way to make it work and you will have no excuse of not walking.

Push yourself

We’re all built different so don’t limit or compare yourself to someone who can walk the whole day. Gauge yourself and see how much more you can walk per day.

For the exercise to become effective, you need to find that sweet spot where you feel challenged but you can meet your targets. Add a few steps to your walk every day until you start feeling the pain.

You can choose to maintain that or cut it down to a shorter distance but walking at a faster rate.