
Did you know that a great percentage of all chronic diseases can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle that includes working out regularly and eating a healthy diet?

There are other ways that you can use to motivate yourself to exercise regularly, lose weight and get fitter.

Be realistic. Never expect to lose so much weight within a short period of time, like losing 10 kgs in two to three weeks. Set goals that are realistic with the effort and commitment that you can give to them.

Make sure you have all the necessary available resources to achieve your goals. Don’t just choose an exercise like swimming for instance as a form of workout if you don’t have access to a pool near you or choose to run outdoors when you know that it’s going to be raining outside in the next few days or months.

Have specific goals. Don’t just say you want to shed some weight. “Some” is not specific. Your goals need to have specific time frames and also be something where you can measure your progress. You can say that you want to lose 10 kgs in the next six months. That is more achievable.

Write it down. Always keep a journal with your goals for the week along with the results you achieve. Monitor this by writing down what you did and for how long. When you look at the numbers and see your progress, it will encourage you to keep on going.

Get a trainer. Make sure that your exercise programme is made of activities you like. The more you like them, the more motivated you will be to do them.

 However, you may need a personalised attention like a personal trainer to teach you how to properly do the exercise you have chosen and psyche you up with routines that are a bit challenging.

Think beyond your obstacles. Think about what might distract your scheduled workouts then come up with a plan to overcome these obstacles.

For example, if you have a child or children that you can’t leave or there is no one to watch over them, buy a good trolley, bike or exercise shoes for them so that they can come along. If maybe the weather is getting you down, create an easy home exercise routine that you can do when the kids are at school or napping. Don’t just have an excuse not to work out.

Schedule your exercise. Make sure you put time for exercising on your calendar, just the way you do for your doctor’s appointment or work. It will go much better if you have a plan that you can follow because even making small changes in your physical activities will be beneficial to your overall health.