What you’ll need:

250g black eyed peas ‘kunde’ peas (soaked about 6 hours)

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon baking powder (optional)

1 onion roughly cut

1 teaspoon turmeric

1 teaspoon garlic ginger paste

Handful coriander

A few whole green chillis

What to do:

Soak the kunde in water for around 6 hrs.

In a blender, add soaked kunde peas, garlic ginger paste, turmeric, onion, salt, baking powder and the coriander, add in two tablespoons of water and blend the ingredients into a smooth paste.

Pour the mixture into a bowl and set aside.

In a deep medium-heat frying pan with oil, scoop the peas mixture using a tablespoon into the hot oil until the pan is full, cook until it turns brown and crispy on the outside.

Fry some whole green chillies on the side if you fancy a hot garnish. Don’t forget to prick them with a knife to allow air into the chilli before putting them in the hot oil so they don’t burst and splash the oil on you. Fry the chillies for about two minutes then remove them and sprinkle some salt over them

NOTE: You can store the bajia mixture in the freezer for up to two weeks for future use. Just thaw it at room temperature and fry once thawed.

Serve hot with coconut



To make your chutney

You’ll need 1 medium size grated coconut, 1 raw mango peeled and sliced, 1/2 teaspoon garlic, salt to taste, 1 green chili 1/2 teaspoon turmeric, 1/4 cup vinegar and some coriander. Blend all the ingredients, pour into a bowl and you have your homemade coconut chutney.

bhajia;Eat out