? Don’t become afraid or critical because your partner takes longer to get an erection. Reassure him that all is normal – skilful, manual and oral caresses can overcome this. Whatever you do, don’t feel rejected. Don’t think that because he can’t attain an erection rapidly he’s no longer attracted to you.

? Don’t worry if he doesn’t ejaculate but seems sexually satisfied. When your partner cannot attain a second erection within a short time, don’t think this is the first sign of impotence.

? Be a creator and an initiator. Lead the way and introduce a changing pattern so that both of you can create a new kind of sexual loving. A woman can find new ways of doing things, which will fit her partner’s new mood and will help to build his self-esteem rather than erode it.

? Adapt foreplay – more prolonged foreplay may be necessary for arousal – with you taking the lead.

? Take a greater role. Try positions that let you control the pace and take pressure off your partner to perform.