As you grow older and probably start to gain weight, you might start to develop cellulite commonly in the thigh region.

Cellulite mainly forms when fatty tissue pushes against connective tissues. As a result, you end up with lumpy, dimpled skin, not to be confused with stretch marks that are as a result of scarring on the skin with an off-color hue.

Cellulite can be caused by a number of things, ranging from our lifestyle choices to the foods we eat.

Although there is no conclusive evidence as to what foods lead to cellulite, the common culprits include: pizza, sugary snacks and beverages, processed meats and among others.

However, all is not lost, here are some foods that can help fight cellulite and how:


The Holy Grail avocado, has a greater purpose other than satisfying our pallets. Other than its amazing taste, avocadoes are rich in good fats and fibers that help the body balance glucose levels and flash out toxins that form cellulites.

While you have an amazing toast, you can also look forward to the amazing skin you are about to get.

Chili pepper

You probably use chili on your food to add some flavour or sometimes to mask the taste of other foods, but chilies can actually help fight cellulite.

Chili contains a vitamin B6 that helps to restore and fortify connective tissue, furthermore it will boost your metabolism which means your body will be able to burn off calories faster.

Dark chocolate

Where are all the chocolate lovers? Finally you can eat chocolate for a good course.

Dark chocolate contains cocoa that is a good source of magnesium and iron meaning it helps improve blood flow around the body.

This will reduce the amount of fats and toxins likely to be deposited under connective cords, lessening the puckered look.

Blue berries

Did someone say smoothies? Yes blue berries play a critical role in the production of collagen, which is responsible for creating new skin tissues.

Furthermore, blue berries also contain antioxidants that help to break down fats that are likely to stay deposited along your connective tissues.

As a result you will be left with a smooth skin tone and texture.

Green tea

While green tea may be bitter to the mouth, to the body it tastes like heaven. Green tea contains nutrients that help in boosting collagen production responsible for elastic skin, meaning your skin will stay firm and taut.

Green tea contains antioxidants called catechin that help reduce the breakdown of collagen.


Last but not least, water. We all know how important it is for us to stay hydrated but with an extra bonus it can help fight cellulite.

Considering a good part of your skin cells are made of water, hydrating will help your body to naturally detox and flush out toxins.

This will help you rid all the unnecessary fat deposits under your connective tissues and improve the appearance of your skin.

Tip: A workout routine and a weight loss plan can also help improve the appearance of cellulite faster.