It is quite embarrassing for a lady to have a dirty comb. Brushes and combs gather dirt, dust and chemicals from hair products like oils, pomades and gels.


Many people do not enjoy cleaning their combs but it is a necessary chore since it leads to healthy scalp and hair. However much you shampoo and condition your hair, you will not be helping your hair much if you use dirty combs. It is, therefore, imperative that you keep clean hair styling tools.


You need to clean your styling tools at least once a week. It is a simple and easy process, which involves soaking and drying. You require shampoo, an old toothbrush, baking soda and the combs or brushes.


Start by pulling any loose hair from the brush using your hands. The fewer the hairs you have on the brush the easier it is to clean it. Next, use your comb to remove any additional hair.


Fill a clean basin or sink with hot, soapy water. Use a clarifying shampoo since it is great for removing residue from the hair. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to help cut any additional oil. An old toothbrush helps in removing the greasy residue on the base of the brush. Use your fingers too, for additional scrubbing.


Once your combs/brushes are clean, place them on a towel or paper towel with the bristles facing down to drain as much water as possible. When completely dry, you can now use them. If you notice any grime on the combs after this process, use a cotton wool swab to get it out, otherwise repeat the whole process.


Always have more than one comb so that when you clean one, there is a spare one.


Certain combs may, however, not withstand the washing. They include rubber-cushioned brushes, wooden bodied brushes or combs, and natural boar bristle brushes. Water erodes the cushioning on the brush faster, reducing its lifespan. A wooden comb or brush will absorb water causing the wood to swell, making it easy to break. The natural boar bristle brushes have natural hair that would take in moisture like any other natural hair.