If you are struggling with being underweight, there are a couple ways you can change your situation (Shutterstock)

Being slender or lean seems to be the norm in the modern day society. People, especially women tend to jam pack gyms trying to work on their weight loss endevours. However, such is not always the case. If you are underweight and you are thinking about changing that, then your attention would be on trying to find ways to add on weight.

If you are struggling with being underweight, there are a couple ways to attend to your concern. You might want to consider having a diet plan focused on helping you add weight, or consult a doctor or an instructor to guide you on exercises that will help you improve your body weight.

Here, we look at ways you can add weight naturally.

Eat frequently

When you are underweight, then most probably you have realized that you get full faster. To counter this, you may want to consider eating frequently.

It is of much help for anyone trying to add weight to have five or six smaller meals a day, than two larger meals. Alternatively, you can eat as many times as you want, as long as you get the right amount of calories you need.

It is also helpful to eat high-carb and high-fat foods and proteins in most of your meals. You may also want to include whole fruits in your meals to balance your diet.

How and when to take your fluids

It is important to watch when you drink water. It is not recommendable to drink your fluids, incluing water, just before you take your meals as the fluids will end up filling your stomach and making you feel fuller sooner than supposed.

This way you may not be able to consume enough calories or proteins.

Since drinking a lot of water gives you a feeling of fullness, it can work to take you away from snacking which is also necessary for weight gain.

 You might want to consider having a diet plan (Shutterstock)
Eat More calories

It is important to take in more calories than your body can burn, this way, the excess calories are stored in your and this results in weight gain.

For steady weight gain, you can consider setting a target of 300-500 calories intake per day. Remember, nuts, seeds and cheese toppings can increase your calorie intake.

Increase protein intake

Proteins are one of the most important nutrients necessary for healthy weight increase as they are the body building foods.

High protein intake causes extra calories to be turned into muscles. This also prevents extra calories from being turned into fats. However, it is important to note that proteins reduce hunger and this might make it difficult for you to take in enough calories as you will take longer to feel hungry again.

Some high protein foods you may want to consider are fish, meats, eggs, legumes, dairy products and nuts.

Also, homemade protein smoothies are effective when trying to add weight. These shakes can include, chocolate banana nut shake, vanilla shake and caramel apple shake among others.


Exercising is important even when you are trying to gain weight. When exercising, you build muscles which help you gain weight. Exercising also boosts your appetite, this way you can eat more and gain more calories.

Here are some specific exercises that are highly effective: push-ups, bench presses, pull ups, bench dips, squats and lunches.