When allergens enter your body they wreak havoc and your body releases histamines (Image: Shutterstock)

Allergies can be cruel leaving you with raccoon eyes, uncontrollable sneezing, congestion and to top it up your head starts to throb. These are just some of the awful symptoms.

And to make matters worse you can’t sleep either.

As the weather changes, pollen and spores may hit an all-time high making it even worse for people with allergies already.

When these allergens enter your body, they start to wreak havoc and your body releases histamines. These chemicals begin to attack the agents and this leads to some inflammation.

So, if you happen to have it really bad with your allergies, here are some remedies you can try to feel better within no time:

Salty water

This does not sound like fun but it surely works to help with the congestion. If your throat is dry and scratchy, gargle a glass of saline water twice a day. In the morning and night before you go to bed.

Minimize symptoms of pollen allergy by trying a saline nasal rinse. This will help get rid of the allergens in your nasal membrane.

 Sometimes the fastest way to treat allergies is to take medication (Image: Shutterstock)
Take medication

You may want to wait it out but allergies can get really bad really quick. For this reason, it is a good idea to prevent than treat before it happens.

Hay fever allergies can be treated with a nasal steroid spray while oral antihistamines work best if you want to take them every day and for a long time.

Decongesters will help relieve a stuffy nose and if you’re really in agony visit an allergist to prescribe the right medication. Immunotherapy shots for instance can offer long-term relief.

Have a shower

Sometimes all you need to feel better is a hot shower. Hot enough not to burn or scald the skin. The steam will open up and unblock your ears and nose helping you breathe much better.

It is important to wash off the pollen, dust and other allergens you may come into contact with while outdoors before you go to bed.

Ensure your bedding are also clean and this will help with the sneezing fits when everything is all clean and fresh.

 An air purifier will help keep the air as clean as possible (Image: Shutterstock)
Use an air purifier

Since you spend most of your time at home you need to ensure you are breathing clean air. If you have air conditioning in the house or you use it frequently to keep toasty in the car, you may want to regularly check to confirm there is no collected dust.

If you have uncontrollable allergies you may want to use an air purifier to filter an keep the air as clean as possible.

You may also need to clean your home frequently to keep the allergens down.


When your liver is working overtime to metabolize alcohol, processed foods, stress, pollutants and all the medication you may be taking, your allergies may flare up due to the high number of toxins in your body.

For this reason, it is crucial to clear your system by doing a detox. You can start by eliminating all the bad foods from your diet, increasing your fruit and vegetable intake and lowering your stress levels.

This will help your body manage better.