Sleepless nights can make you lethargic and affect your productivity all day (Shutterstock)

Sleep is very important regardless of age or gender, and doctors’ advice on getting at least eight hours of undisturbed sleep. However, with our demanding jobs and workload, maintaining a healthy social life and having eight hours of sleep may sound like a pipe dream. A good number of people can only get about five hours and with that still have incomplete tasks and pending deadlines which stresses them out and ultimately leading to insomnia.

Sleepless nights will not only make you lethargic all day but will also affect your mood swings, sadly the people around you may notice but not understand.

Our daily productivity is determined by how well rested our minds are. Most of us bank on drinking unhealthy amounts of coffee and energy boosters to keep us on the go but the best solution is to have enough sleep. Are you having a hard time maintaining a healthy sleeping schedule? Here are some ways you can fix that:

Have your last meal three hours before bed time

Having a heavy meal right before going to bed may not be the best way to end your day. Keep your meals light and eat three hours before bed time. Sleeping on a full stomach may be very uncomfortable and you might end up interrupting your sleep due to a stomach upset or discomfort.

Ask for help

Ask your family or roommate to help you with some of the chores so that you can go to bed early. After a long and busy day at work only to come home to help the kids with their homework, make dinner, do laundry and finishing the dishes can be exhausting.

Work with a schedule

Scheduling your day will allow you to plan and reduce your workload by evening when you are meant to sleep not unless it’s one of those nights that you needed some extra hours to beat a deadline. A daily schedule will help you finish your work on time.

 Avoid working overnight so you can have enough rest to complete your tasks (Shutterstock)
Avoid alcohol

Avoid drinking heavily especially when you need to wake up early the next morning or have a busy schedule the next day. Alcohol is fun and games until you realize it’s two in the morning and you have to be up by five to start your day.

Moderate your weekday hangouts

Always plan your hangouts during the weekend to give your body enough time to recover from all the fun and alcohol. Saying no to your friends may interfere with your social life but it will save you a whole week of hangover and unfinished tasks because you will have enough sleep and energy to work.

Do the much you can during the day

Make sure to finish all your work during the day. Be as proactive as possible during the day so that when it’s night time you don’t need to finish your assignments or reduce your workload when you should be resting.

Take time to relax

After a stressful day it’s very hard to come home and just sleep. You may end up replaying the day’s events instead of catching some sleep. Take at least an hour to do what relaxes you, probably catch up on your favourite TV series or call that long lost friend to distract yourself,  this way you can ease the tension and have a good night’s rest.