A girl suffering from acne

•Clean your skin meticulously. Use an antiseptic soap, lathered up in ­the palm of your hand. Gently massage it into your skin for at least two minutes, then rinse off. The aim is to ‘de-fat’ the skin. Wash this way at least three times a day.

•Don’t use acne cleansers as they scrape the skin, break down the pustules and spread germs all over the skin, thereby encouraging acne ­lesions elsewhere.

•Treat blackheads by steaming your face. Hold your face about 30cm above a bowl of hot water and then cover your head with a towel. The steam will cause the pores to open and you can then gently nudge out the blackhead with a clean fingertip and a tissue.

•Never squeeze anything other than a blackhead. Touching and rubbing pimples will simply make them worse.

•Moderate exposure to sunlight is helpful as it dries ­out the skin.