Resist the urge to react too quickly to what your husband says, advises Chris Hart [Freepik]

So resist the urge to react too quickly to what your husband says. And consider the possibility that you have misjudged his words. Instead of assuming he is criticising you, for example, ask yourself whether he is trying to be humorous. Try reacting as if what he says is always the nicest of all the possibilities.

You might be wrong of course, but chances are that he will get into the spirit of your response. Or if it was a barbed comment, try ignoring it completely! Or saying something neutral like, "Okay, I will think about that." Do that and the moment will probably pass, and be less likely to occur again. Whereas if you rise to the bait, you will just end up in more fights.

Get the idea? Think about the assumptions you make about what is going on in your husband's mind because there is always a chance he is not thinking what you think he is. Instead, try reacting as if he is being nice to you, all the time, and your relationship will improve!

All the best,
