Teaching kids how to express their emotions in a healthy way is crucial for whent they are adults (Image: Shutterstock)

One of the safest ways you can avoid heart break in the future is to raise kids who have a high EQ.

Unlike before when parents were strictly concerned with a high IQ, more and more parents are beginning to understand the importance of teaching their children how to control and manage their emotions.

Research has proven that their happiness and success will be determined by how high their emotional intelligence is. This is also linked to better physical health, employment success and fulfilling relationships.

Teaching kids how to express their emotions in a healthy way is extremely crucial for their survival. Instead of screaming and throwing tantrums when their angry for instance, they will find other ways to channel those feelings.

Because of this, they can handle complex situations and build meaningful connections. To lay that solid foundation and instill positive emotions in them here is how you can do that:

Acknowledge your child’s emotions

Instead of punishing, scolding or dismissing your child for having an outburst, use that time to connect with them.

What you need to remember is children have a difficult time controlling their emotions so be understanding, compassionate, loving and empathetic.

Acknowledge what they are going through and tell them you understand how it feels. Do not disregard their feelings as they will identify that as being bad which unfortunately will make them think that they are bad. This can cause serious damage to them as they grow up.

 Children will copy what you do, ensure you are setting the best example (Image: Shutterstock)
Teach them how to express their emotions

One of the ways to develop a high EQ is to identify the emotion, call it for what it is and find a solution. Once you have taught them how to label how they feel, the next step is to teach them how to handle those negative emotions.

Like most parents who unknowingly solve their children’s problems, this communicates to them that they are incapable of doing it themselves.

Ask guided questions about how they feel, why they feel that way and how they can manage those emotions. In the event of intense emotions, you can suggest going for a walk or playing to calm them down. This way, they will always look for a positive outlet for their emotions.

Model it

Monkey see, monkey do. It really is that simple when it comes to teaching your kids life skills. Your children may listen to what you are saying but they will only do what they see you do.

You must set a good example to begin with. When you get emotionally charged during arguments or snap when you’re under stress, that is exactly how they will also react when they’re in a similar situation.

Discuss hard subjects

Touchy topics are uncomfortable for everyone and well have those things we never want to talk about leave alone with our parents.

By telling them about their absentee father, a divorce or that they were adopted will create a safe space for them to also bring up difficult issues they’re going through.

When you have those tough conversations with them, they will reciprocate. Find the right time and open up. Create an environment where you can both talk about anything no matter how it feels.