You need to be at a good place mentally for you to be able to take care of others (Shutterstock)

I have to admit we all admire those calm moms who look good and seem to be on their A game.

Everything seems like a breeze to them.

They look like they just have it all together and then there is the rest of us who look sleep deprived and barely had time to comb our hair before dropping the kids off to school.

You are just hanging by a thread and you could snap at any moment. You look like you are about to explode and you feel like you have to defend how you look or how you raise your child because nobody understands why you snap so easily.

And we’re all left wondering how these super women do it! It makes you question how one can be so calm, collected and have everything practically falling into place amidst the chaos. They must be doing something different for sure.

Here, tap into these habits super moms have perfected and calm will become your second nature. 

i.Take care of yourself

In order to take care of others you must be at a good place mentally otherwise you will be overburdening yourself. Take a day off go to the spa, get your hair, nails and face done, join a yoga class or go for morning or evening runs. When you are relaxed it’s easy to keep yourself composed.

Take some time out to just do you and you will be in a balanced mental and emotional space to tackle whatever is thrown your way.

 Find a balanced mental space otherwise you'll be hanging by a thread and could snap at any moment (Shutterstock)

ii.Plan your time

It is very necessary to have a daily schedule. This includes nap time, meal time and play time. With your child’s schedule incorporated into yours, you are able to make time to clean up the house or take some time off for yourself to rest and prepare yourself accordingly.

With a plan, things are done with much ease and you will not be overwhelmed or forget about your kid’s school project that’s due in the morning.

iii.Listen before you react

As impulsive as mama bear would want to be while her child has done something wrong or when you have been called to school, it is important to listen to the whole story before you react.

Sometimes your kids actually had a pretty good reason for what they did so when you punish them, they might feel like you hate them or they may withdraw from you.

Get to the bottom of situations to avoid making rushed decisions that could cost you your relationship with your child.

iv.Take it easy

The society already puts so much pressure on mums to be perfect. Thing is, we all make mistakes and every day is a learning process.

Don’t be too hard on yourself because another mum taught their kid how to write before preschool and your child can barely hold their pencil properly. The most important thing is that you are doing your best and you love your little one.

That’s all that matters!

 Everything seems like a breeze to the calm mums (Shutterstock)

v.Understand your child

We are all created differently and so is your child. For some strange reason, some parents have the bad habit of comparing their kids. Just because one of your children started solving math problems at six does not mean you should have the same expectations on your other child who shows no interest.

Understanding your child will help you nurture their talents and help you not get frustrated by what they can and cannot do.

Rather, focus on each child’s strength and encourage them to be their best.

vi.Give your child space

Most moms don’t allow children to have their own space and are often in the way of their kids. Allow them to explore and do things without you having to sit there and watch them unless they are toddlers.

As much as it is every parent’s dream to protect their children, you cannot shield your child from everything and they still have to learn so let us be less paranoid with our kids.