Years before your child's tempestuous teen years come another, arguably more painful phase - toddlerhood.

Each age comes with its own unique set of challenges, but there's something special about the toddler years, which have practically become synonymous with tantrums.

If you're parent to a toddler, you'll therefore probably be familiar with the sort of day Jenna Gallina recently had.

Jenna is a mum to what she describes as a very lively 'three-nage' girl and shared a breakdown of the 44 tantrums her little girl had in the space of what was probably a VERY long 24 hours on Babyology.

1. She wanted to wear her Elsa shirt (which is in the dirty clothes pile).

2. She put her underwear on backwards.

3. I put the wrong episode of Strawberry Shortcake on.

4. I didn't get her breakfast quickly enough.

5. She didn't want cereal. She wanted oats.

6. I gave her the wrong bowl for her oats. She wanted the bowl that her uneaten cereal was in.

7. She spilled oats on her knee.

8. She wanted the small spoon.

9. I gave her the yellow blanket instead of the pink blanket.

10. She wanted to wear her Elsa dress instead of her Elsa shirt.

11. It’s not her birthday today.

12. Her seatbelt felt funny.

13. Her brother looked at her in the car.

14. The cat wouldn't let her pick him up by the tail.

15. She couldn't open the wrapper to her muesli bar.

16. I opened the wrapper to her muesli bar too much.

17. Her muesli bar broke in two.

18. When colouring in, I used the wrong shade of blue for Cinderella’s dress.

19. I sat on her imaginary friend.

20. She put her shoes on the wrong feet.

21. Peppa Pig ended.

22. I cut her sandwich into triangles.

23. I cut her second sandwich into squares.

24. I wouldn't let her play in the car.

25. I suggested we take a nap.

26. She dropped her hat on the road.

27. I didn't let her answer the phone.

28. I sat on the wrong side of the couch.

29. It started to rain.

30. I had to cook dinner.

31. Her brother talked to her.

32. She spilled her water.

33. I used the red towel to clean it up. I should have used the pink one.

34. I had a shower without her.

35. I helped her brother with his homework.

36. She lost her doll's pink shoe.

37. I asked her to take a bath.

38. I asked her to get out of the bath.

39. The towel felt itchy.

40. Her brother got his pyjamas on quicker than she did.

41. I turned the page of her bedtime story incorrectly.

42. Teddy fell off the bed.

43. I didn't tickle her arm properly.

44. I yawned.

What are some of the reasons your little one has thrown a tantrum? Let us know in the comments below.