We all deserve to come home to a fresh-smelling house everyday (Image: Shutterstock)

House scents

Sometimes it is the smells from the kitchen or the washrooms that get you wrinkling your nose when you step into a room. We all deserve to come home to a fresh-smelling house everyday.

And when hosting friends, you do not want a rancid odour being the first thing that assaults their senses as they walk in. That is where these little contraptions come in.

The wallflower plugs into a socket and you attach the scent onto the plug. Switch it on and the scent is released into the air. You also get to choose the fragrance you want.

It could be warm and comforting vanilla or fresh citrus notes; the choices are limitless. Find the Bath and Bodyworks brand locally in leading stores or perfume shops.

 This book will take you through a range of emotions as you follow the life of Vivian (Image: thelitedit.com)

City of Girls by Elizabeth Gilbert

She brought you Eat, Pray Love; a book that has an almost cultish following, City of Girls is a book that will take you through a range of emotions as you follow the winding life of Vivian.

You will laugh with her as she grapples with the innocence of youth, and cry with her as she suffers the shame of a regrettable dalliance with a married man.

Initially you may love to hate her but unwittingly, you will be swept up in admiration for her bravery. I believe there is a little of Vivian in all of us. Grab yourself a copy and get enthralled.