Many of us are turning to food for companionship (Shutterstock)

With the ongoing social distancing rules as a result of Coronavirus, many of us are unknowingly turning to food for companionship.

You'll find yourself binge eating and reaching towards the food plates even in the middle of the night. This is especially worsened by the minimal physical activity we are doing when stuck in the house.

If you don't want to get out of this self-quarantine with everyone congratulating you for a growing ‘baby bump,’ avoid these food mistakes.

1. Not planning your meals

Here's what happens when you fail to plan your meals. You'll be eating at any time of the day. Imagine finding a packet of chips and downing it, followed by eggs and the yogurt you just saw on top of the fridge.

If you are trying to lose weight, such a habit is going to work against you. Plan your meals into portions and have specific times when you eat. It will guide you, preventing you from eating when you should not.

2. Eating in your bedroom

Don't we all love the comfort of eating when under a warm blanket, with our favorite movie playing? This may sound and feel cozy, but it's a habit that you don't want to adapt into your lifestyle.

As you stay home, it's understandable that getting from your bed can be meaningless. Heck, even the work Zoom meetings are being done at the comfort of our beds.

Try and be deliberate when it comes to eating. Walk and sit upright in your dining area, so as to chew well and eat your portions well. It will also prevent you from sleeping immediately after eating just because you're on the bed.

 You need to adopt a slow eating method (Shutterstock)

3. Fast eating

With losing weight, you need to adopt a slow eating method. During this social distancing season, if you're eating in a rush so as to catch up with your movie or work emails, you'll be doing yourself more harm than good.

It's best when you sit and eat slowly so that the food can be digested well. Slow eating is also beneficial as you'll actually be chewing food well and are more likely to know when you are full.

4. Junk food indulgence

Indeed, junk food is sweet. Packed with sugars and others fatty juices all over, it can get hard to say no. It's also fast food and involves less preparation time.

Try as much as possible this season to limit their intake. This is to lower your increased high cholesterol risk and excess weight gain. Take the time to make your whole foods, taking lots of fruits, vegetables and water.

Much as losing weight this social isolation season sounds hard to achieve, especially with all the social media pressure of people cooking this and that, purpose to stick to your diet.

When everyone will be dealing with pot bellies once we are allowed to move out again, you'll have the beach to yourself, flaunting your well-earned bikini body.