Carol had a busy early 20s judging from her Facebook posts (Photo: Shutterstock)

In her previous life, given her beauty, Carol was a slay queen, before the word was invented. She had a busy early 20s, if pics of her, mostly alone on white beaches in scanty swimming gear (boy, did she have a body?) with huge shades are anything to go by. You remember when you started dating, she was super active online.

Lest you get heartbroken, you never ask the woman you want to marry who the hell took the photo and under what auspices were the photos taken? Because you know better.

Over the years, Carol’s online activity subsided down to a trickle. For over five years, in between parenting, aging, job, she has only updated her LinkedIn, once in a while. Had Instagram been around at the peak of her potent youth, Carol would have been one of those Insta models people drool over.

But bright girls can also have a professional side. She did trim her Facebook to shape and has barely posted much in the last four years. She did join Instagram, but it has a miserable 1,200, on Twitter, she has 500 and a very boring timeline, save for an article or two some of her friends have published.

However, last week, out of nowhere, Carol put her photo in a bikini and a useless quote beside it on Instagram. Since it is synchronised with Facebook, it ended up on Facebook. And all hell broke loose.

By the time Facebook drew your attention to the picture, it had over 200 comments and counting. All her crushes, and guys who never had a chance, married men and men whose orientation you don’t even know were there making all manner of comments, each trying their best to be the funniest. And some outrightly flirty.

What pisses you off is that women never ward off unwarranted attention if they can bask in it. To all those flirty messages, Carol was sending the stupid laughing emojis, and the cornier the man writing, the more the emojis. She didn’t respond to most of the women who think she has the best body East and South of the Sahara, for those she cared a second, she would drop a curt, “thanks dear”, in small caps.

Furious, you teased her, “I see you are back on Facebook...”

“Do you have a problem with that?”

Her tone, sarcastic.

“I see you really like the attention from men, so unlike you…”

“Are you jealous?

Her tone, contemptuous.

You conclude women are the same. Tired of the lack of compliments from you, she is shopping for them on the timeline.

As you do a forensic scrutiny of the comments section, you encounter a wry one from her baby daddy, citing what attracted him to her… which she entertains, that nothing has changed, things only got better and he wrote, “IF ONLY” in caps.

Why are people so contemptuous of other men’s wives?

How good is the tea you make?

Bad Boy;Social Media