Caring for our emotional fitness is critical. If you are emotionally fit, you are bound to live a happier and fulfilling life.

There is a whole bunch of brain-training games today that can help boost your memory, creativity and thinking skills. But can you be emotionally fit too? Yes, you can. Let me tell you how you can strengthen your emotional fitness.

But before that, it is important to mention that emotional fitness is the state of our mind where we are able to focus on constructive and creative tasks while we manage to stay away from negative thoughts.

1. Pay attention to your feelings and acknowledge them

Once you pay attention to your feelings, you are actually sending a signal to your brain to manage them. Take a responsibility for your emotions. Remember that it is OK to feel sad, angry or afraid. Hold on to your feelings. Analyze your thoughts behind those emotions and ask yourself questions about them. Then release your feelings in a natural way.

2. Be an optimistic-realist

When facing hardship maintain an objective focus on whatever your harsher realities are. It does you no good to dull the facts. It does you no good to fantasize about what might be. To be emotionally fit, maintain a clarity about the realities of where you are.

3. Know your emotional triggers

Emotional triggers, also called hot buttons, are reasons that make you annoyed. So, first analyze what irritates you. When you are aware of your emotions, you will come up with ways to deal with it.

4. Consider therapy

Therapy is for everyone, and there are many types of professionals. Mental health therapists, psychologists, and psychiatrists are all available to help you better navigate all aspects of your life.

5. See the bigger picture

Emotionally fit people can see the big picture. They know that one mistake or misstep doesn’t determine their destiny. They can also see alternatives to a situation and solve problems accordingly.

6. Practice, practice and practice

Just like sports, we get better as we practice. Whether we are a gifted athlete or not, the only way we become very good at something is through practice.

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