We hit the streets to get views from a few individuals on how disciplining children should be handled.

We asked if bystanders have a responsibility to intervene when someone's children are misbehaving.

 Perrie Perry, Entrepreneur


"Yes, they do but wisely involving parents because it can cause conflict between you and parents. It isn't like those old days where a child could be corrected by anyone in the community. Things have changed. You must involve their parents", Perrie says.


 Siprian Mantu, Computer Science Programmer.


"Parenting is a social responsibility that we should all embrace, personally I would take the initiative of correcting them",Siprian says.


 Ruth Atieno, Sales and Marketing


"I believe it takes a society to raise a generation, so I would take proper action depending on the situation", Ruth says.


 Shedrick Kioko, Businessman

"Definitely I would, I wouldn't feel good if someone found my children misbehaving then fails to intervene. Children belong to the society", Shedrick says.


Who is allowed to discipline misbehaving children?

misbehaviour;child discipline