Its healthy        Photo:Courtesy

There's no need to have hang ups about those hook ups.Researchers have discovered that casual sex could actually be good for you.

A paper published by New York University claims that rather than leaving people with low a self-esteem and self-worth after a one-night stand.

Instead, the group of willing volunteers reported lower distress and 'higher thriving', a report says.

They kept a 12-week diary on how they felt after casual sex and both men and women reported similar findings.

Researchers said: "When it came to those who were sociosexually unrestricted, having casual sex was associated with higher self-esteem and life satisfaction and lower depression and anxiety.

"Typically, sociosexually unrestricted individuals reported lower distress and higher thriving following casual sex, suggesting that high sociosexuality may both buffer against any potentially harmful consequences of casual sex and allow access to its potential benefits."

But remember: if you want casual sex to remain a healthy activity, always use protection.