A dwarf stripper got a bride-to-be pregnant after her bridal shower celebrations got a little too wild. The guilty woman had to confess to cheating on her husband with her entertainer after giving birth to a child with dwarfism at a hospital. Neither the hospital nor the woman have been named. Her encounter is said to have occurred at the start of the year. Reportedly in the dark, the cheating wife's partner was of the firm belief the child was his - until it was born. The woman apparently hid her secret well - until she broke down and confessed when her baby was born, suffering from dwarfism. Neither her closest female friends or her family knew she had slept with the midget stripper but once she had her son in her arms, she broke down and confessed what had happened. No-one that sleeps with a stripper at her bridal shower broadcasts it or at least they try to take their secret to the grave. But the protagonist of this episode had no choice but to confess and could never have pretended the boy was her husband’s because of a little problem - the child was born with dwarfism.  

