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The human race has been obsessed with ruling others since time immemorial. Words like politics, democracy, monarchies, dynasties, kings, rulers, coalitions, alliances and dictators have defined human existence in one way or the other. All these terminologies are indicative of the desire for dominance and leadership by one or several individuals over others.

I have seen all manner of people hungry for power, even willing to go to whatever length to rule. What is sad is that everyone wants to lead, yet they put very little into self-leadership. Remember that proper self-leadership is the hallmark of every great, true and authentic leader.

Leading anyone

Self-leadership is the litmus test for the honesty, integrity and sincerity required in everyone who desires to lead others. You have a responsibility to lead yourself before you can take up the sacred responsibility of leading anyone.

It is worth noting that every time you have no values that govern who you are and what you do, you subject yourself to those of others. Every self-doubt about your ability will almost always ricochet whenever you have a clear understanding of yourself.


Therefore, knowing yourself may probably be the number one factor to winning in this life.

John Maxwell, the leadership guru says: “Each of us is a ‘monarch’ over our own lives. We are responsible for ruling our actions and decisions. To make consistently good decisions, to take the right action at the right time and to refrain from the wrong actions, require character and self-discipline.”

The understanding of the real power within is actually not a revelation that should birth pride, but a basic necessity that should breed humility. You owe yourself the truth that you are extraordinary and not merely another product out of mass production.

Be convinced that you are the best and the best belongs to you. Do not be curtailed by fearful gullibility; you do not have the spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind!

Life will happen commensurate to the amount of belief you project towards it. In fact, your faith should be strong that you should not wait for life to happen to you. You should happen to life.

Believe that you can and you shall. Both the person that believes they can and the one that believes that they cant, are right. Expect good and good shall come. Expect favour and you shall attract it, expect defeat and it too shall come.

Choices we make

As a matter of fact, there is no script for failure, just stop pursuing success and you will fail unopposed! Good personal leadership will ultimately reflect in the choices we make, the relationships we cut off or keep and the direction of investment of both our heart and money.

 Good self-leaders are not only known by the company they keep, but by the one they shun. How sovereign a person you are will dictate the associations you entertain in your space. Truly independent people are never cowed by the conclusions, the discussions and the derivations of busy bodies.

Once you discover who you are, it is paramount thereafter to learn to follow someone else. Only a person who has followed well knows how to lead others well. Bishop Fulton J Sheen remarked, “Civilization is always in danger when those who have never learned to obey are given the right to command.”

Good personal leadership requires an understanding of the world that followers live in. To lead yourself, you must know how to follow that leading. Following is learnt in following someone else.

If we desire to live out an honestly fulfilling personal leadership, we must first learn to follow under the authority of others. When you can do this one thing that you don’t feel like doing, but do it anyway because it is the right thing to do, you have succeeded in self-leadership.

You are the CEO of your life, rule yourself well. You are responsible for where you are and where you end up. Stand on wisdom to respond, adjust, adapt and thrive. Stand on maturity to manage, direct and supervise every sphere of your life until profits manifest.

 Absconding the duty of leading yourself does not mandate others to lead you. Do not wish challenges away; face them, conquer them! Do not sweep them under the carpet; have the audacious courage to drop the bombshell and let the pieces fall where they may. Now go, and win!

investments;CEO;life tips;success