Endometriosis may cause difficulty to conceive (Shutterstock)

Endometriosis refers to a painful disorder in which a tissue alike to the one lining the uterus — the endometrium — grows outside grows outside the uterus. This condition may involve the fallopian tubes, the tissue lining around the pelvis or the ovaries. Here are some signs of endometriosis:


You may not know you are suffering from endometriosis until you try conceiving and your efforts become futile.

Endometriosis can cause infertility by causing difficulty in conceiving.

Painful periods

This is also referred to as dysmenorrhea. Due to the endometrium placed as it is, you're highly likely to experience pelvic pain and cramping.

This pain may be accompanied by lower back pain as well as one in your abdomen. Sometimes, you may experience the pain before your period and after. It is more painful than the usual cramps.

Excessive bleeding

If you notice that you are bleeding too much, which is beyond normal, as well as in between your periods, you may want to get checked. This is abnormal and should not be continuous.

Experiencing pain in bowel movements or urination

During your menstrual period, you tend to be very sensitive around all your body parts. If you also realise that you have pain everytime you are passing pee or poop, it may be a sign of endometriosis. This is especially after you've ruled out any constipation or sexually transmitted disease.

Pain during sex

Another telltale sign of endometriosis is experiencing pain during intercourse. Sex should be painless especially after losing one's virginity. If the pain becomes persistent especially in your abdominal area, be sure to get checked.

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