Due to the ampleness of bacteria in the environment we live in, we once in a while get attacks from bacteria caused infections and illnesses. From ear infections, throat infection, skin infections among others, unhealthy bacteria has always found a way into our bodies.

Most of the bacterial infections do not spare our children either and this prompts us into giving them antibacterial medication to suppress the spread. Antibiotics are antimicrobial substances that kill bacteria or inhibit bacterial growth.

Antibiotics are readily available and we at times get them from over the counter without necessarily getting a doctor’s prescription. While they are proven and act well in fighting bacteria and keeping your baby healthy, research has shown that early use could also make your child obese.

According to the research, a large number of children under the age of two who were given at least four or more doses of antibiotics ended up being obese at age four. Researchers discovered that when taken by young ones for a while, antibiotics may end up altering your child’s gut microbes which are associated with weight gain.

 Although the mechanisms by which antibiotics affect growth are still being elucidated, these drugs have been used extensively in farming to add the weight of animals. This antibiotic growth effect in animals by antibiotics has been in use for over 70 years.

Just like antibiotics, acid suppressants also alter your baby’s gut functionality and may contribute to their weight as well. Acid suppressants are used to lower the levels of stomach acid which is a known cause for heartburn and other stomach upsets.

A report published on The Gut on October 30 2018 indicates that there has been a relationship between these medications and children weight issues that prompted the research. The researchers said that although these drugs play a major role in restoring your baby’s wellness, caution should be exercised in order to reduce the risk of obesity.

They also warned that the more antibiotics and acid suppressants your child is exposed to, the higher their chances of ending up with unwanted weight. They warned that any antibiotics administered during early childhood increases your baby’s obesity risk by 26%.

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