Did you know that the recommended amount of protein needed to meet daily basic nutrition requirements and keep one from getting sick, is approximately 0.8grams per one kilo of body weight? This means that if you weigh 80kg, you need to eat at the very least 64 gm of protein. This however can change depending on a person’s health, level of activity, physiological state, age and sex.

Inadequate consumption of proteins can affect every aspect of a person’s health. Here are some signs that you may not be eating enough proteins

Weak nails and dry peeling skin

Proteins are essential for growth, repair and maintenance of skin and nails cells. Inadequate intake results in weak and brittle nails and dry peeling skin. Insufficient intake can also cause a condition known as flaky dermatitis especially at the back of the thighs and the buttocks.  Protein deficiency can also damage the skin protective barrier making a person more vulnerable to allergens and other irritants.

Getting sick often

Proteins are necessary in building the immune system cells. Inadequate intake can cause loss of important immune cells reducing the body’s effectiveness in fighting infections.

The human skin is an important immune organ. It protects the rest of the body from environmental hazards. If the skin isn’t strong because of protein deficiency, a person’s risk of infection is raised due to increased exposure to environmental pathogens.

Sugar cravings

Adequate consumption of proteins, especially plant based proteins rich in fibre, helps slow down digestion and absorption of carbohydrates.  On their own, carbohydrates are digested quickly causing a sudden rise in blood sugar levels which is followed by sudden drop. The constant spike and drop in blood sugar triggers a sugar craving.

Unexpected swelling of lower leg and feet

Protein helps in creating a healthy balance of salt and water in the blood vessels. If protein intake is inadequate, this balance is disturbed causing fluid to seep out into the surrounding tissue which can manifest as swollen ankles and feet.

Thinning weak hair

Hair is primarily made of protein. Adequate protein intake is needed for hair to grow and stay healthy.  When the body recognises a protein shortage, it halts hair growth and nourishment which can cause thinning and shedding.

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