The reality of life is that at one point in our lives we end up alone either due to relocation, the death of a loved one or even a breakup. How we handle these situations determines the category we fall into. It’s either we can be alone without actually feeling lonely and enjoy it, or our basic existence dwells on our lives revolving and dwelling on the lives of others. A sure recipe for heartbreak. We understand it is easy to get distracted when you meet a potential catch and the possibilities are endless. But don’t let it get to your heart. To determine whether you are emotionally dependent on your partner or others around you, here are seven signs that you are actually afraid of being alone. Willing to compromise without a fight. In all relationships, we need to compromise on one thing or another. We can’t always have our way. But if you are willing to compromise on things you hold dear, that is a sign you are afraid of being alone. You would rather put up with crap than being dumped or walk away.


Being in any relationship so that you are not alone-The fear of being single is real and at times we are too scared of the unknown to the point that we settle for anyone so that you have someone in your life. If you always find yourself in rebound relationships with people you would never date just to mend your broken heart, you definitely have a fear of being alone. You jump from one relationship to another-If you have never been single long enough to mend your broken heart and evaluate what went wrong, you need to take a step back. If you find yourself falling in love with the next guy who gives you attention and jumps into a relationship before the storm calms down you are guilty of monophobia, fear of being alone. You fall in love easily-Love is said to be a hard thing find and it doesn’t lie. If you’re always falling in love easily, something is wrong. Chances are you are in love with the whole idea of being in love. You’re always asking for hookups-If you keep bugging your friends to hook you up with their friends, colleagues, brothers and even pets, you need to check yourself. Let love find you at the right time. Don’t force it. You would rather stay in a toxic relationship-If he hits you, cheats on you and does every wrong in the book but you continue to brave it through, things will only get worse at your own loss. Don’t make excuses for him and blame yourself for his bad actions. Call it like it is and leave before he destroys you.  You are waiting for him to change-In reality what you see is what you get and actions do speak louder than words.  Stop having those unrealistic expectations that he will change when you know for sure he will not. If you can’t put up with him, call it quits and try being single. You might enjoy it.
