It is important to learn how to store your fruits to avoid food poisoning (Image: Shutterstock)

Fruits contain vitamins, minerals and other important properties that are essential for our body’s development.

Unfortunately, cases of food poisoning and other infections come as a result of the way we store our fruits, especially the ones we’ve already cut. So what’s the best wat to do it?

Keep them in the fridge: Most fruits that have already been cut do just fine in the fridge or the freezer. The cool conditions slow down the formation of mold or bacteria. Always ensure that your fridge is cool enough, well maintained and clean.

Dry the fruits: Ensure that you wipe the skin of the fruits before you store them in the fridge. Moisture that clings onto them can be a breeding ground for bacteria and other forms of contamination.

Keep them covered: Place them in a clean container with a lid or securely wrap them in cling film. This simple process helps prevent contamination from bacteria, mold and pesky fruit flies as well.

Some fruits aren’t suitable for the fridge so if you’re placing them on the counter, it’s still important to wrap them up as well. Also, keep them away from chemicals and other harmful substances that could potentially be disastrous when consumed.

Don’t store next to raw foods: Raw foods like meats are usually breeding ground for bacteria. While they’re uncooked, these contaminants live on their surfaces and get destroyed once they are cooked. In the fridge, it’s possible that the bacteria found on them can transfer to your fruits.

Don’t refreeze them after thawing: If you have stored your fruits in the freezer, you should never put them back in the freezer after they have thawed.

In most cases, refreezing food that has already thawed affects the safety of your food. These conditions can trigger bacterial growth. Always avoid putting thawed fruits back into the freezer as a practice of food safety. If you must, take out the portion you need from the freezer.

The best and most effective step is to only cut and eat what you need.