I try to eat an apple a day. Most days, I eat it at my desk and when I am left with the core in my hand, I wish it wasn’t such a messy ending. I thought to myself, there must be a gadget that can help with this.

Well, I found the perfect gadget. It’s easy to use – just set your apple on a plate, poke the corer into the middle, press and twist until it gets to the bottom then twist and pull until it pops out. Cut your apple into wedges and you’re good to go.

When shopping for a corer, look for one that has a good grip handle. I ordered mine from Amazon and got one with a serrated tip to effectively work on both small and big apples and pears. A lightweight corer, stainless steel corer with a rubber grip handle is ideal. You can also check Jumia for corer options.

What’s the weirdest thing a guest has done at your house?