Photo: Courtesy

If you have not heard about this magical drink that can aid in your weight loss then here is why you need to start taking this drink every morning on an empty stomach.

This simple drink comprises of: One cup of warm water, one teaspoonful of honey and two teaspoonful of lemon juice mixed together.

There are proven facts about this drink and according to medical doctors, lemon has detoxifying properties. This however is not to say that you will not have to exercise, it is a good way to supplement your workout regimen and healthy eating. 

Singer Beyonce is said to have used this drink to prepare for the movie “Dreamgirls” and she reportedly lost 20lbs though results vary for everyone.

The two ingredients used to infuse your water are very beneficial to your health. Lemon and honey help the body fight against infections. Lemon juice increases the function of glutathione, which is a key antioxidant for detoxification and fast slimming.

By drinking this natural health remedy, you will enjoy weight loss, decreased acidity in the body, immunity against common cold and clearer skin.