Simplify your routine

During the holidays, there isn't always time to keep up with complex routines. Sometimes we stay out late and head out early in the morning, and this busy schedule is part of the reason why some neglect their skin care needs entirely.

What you can do is stick to the basics so that you can be free to enjoy yourself. This will even give you a chance to research and know some of those ineffective steps that have been complicating your routine.

Go easy on the junk food

The hardest thing to resist in December is junk food. This is when all the chapatis, fries and sausages find their way into our bodies, sometimes in excessive amounts. And that nyama choma continues to ebb and flow.

There is nothing wrong with eating what you like but remember that moderation is key. If you don't have self-control in this area, your health and skin will suffer.

Find a way to balance healthy foods and comfort snacks to prevent nasty breakouts and other problems. Incorporate fruits and drink lots of water.


The other thing you need to remember is to keep your skin hydrated. There are many factors that can suck out the water from your skin including high salt diets, alcohol and environmental factors, so you need to replenish the water levels to prevent dullness and dryness.

But, make sure you're drinking enough water, not an excessive amount.

Living Beauty Hacks Skincare