The fear of people getting a glimpse of your underarms shouldn't have you panicking (Photo: Shutterstock)

The fear of people getting a glimpse of your underarms shouldn't have you panicking. Wearing sleeveless or off-shoulder tops should not be an extreme sport anymore. 

Dark and discoloured underarms are not a medical condition and can occur to anyone due to shaving, accumulation of dead cells, excessive sweating or improper ventilation. Using certain medications or even deodorants can also discolour your underarms. 

Good news is, there are natural, safe and cost-effective remedies to lighten your underarms in the comfort of your home. 

In case you're struggling with this issue, try one of these remedies.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar has rich content of amino and lactic acids that help clear dead skin cells and lessen scars. Its properties help to unclog pores and reduce skin discoloration. Use a cotton pad and pat it into the armpit area. Leave it until it dries before washing it off. Repeat this procedure daily for faster results.

Aloe vera gel

It is well known as a natural sunscreen. Aloe vera has an antibacterial nature which helps to soothe inflamed skin. It also helps to lighten discolored armpits. Cut a fresh leaf and extract some fresh aloe vera gel. Use this gel on alternate days for fast results. 

 Apple cider vinegar helps clear dead skin cells and lessen scars (Photo: Shutterstock)

Baking soda and lemon

Baking soda is an exfoliator that helps to unclog the pores and lighten dark underarms. Lemon is a powerful antiseptic and a natural bleaching agent. Mix one tablespoon of baking soda and lemon to make a paste and use it to scrub your underarms. Do this until you reach your desired results.

Sugar and olive oil paste

Dampen the armpit area with a mix of the two and scrub your underarms. Sugar is an excellent exfoliating agent and olive oil is necessary for the hydration and moisturizing bit of it. 

Cool cucumbers

Heat makes you sweat, and sweat can cause dark discoloration in your underarms. Also, the skin in your armpit region is usually ruptured due to swaying of our arms while walking or doing basic activities. The key lies in cooling down the region and what better way than the world’s favorite coolant? A cucumber.

 Cucumbers have an excellent bleaching property (Photo: Shutterstock)

Cucumbers are not only cooling but they can also bleach darkened skin. Cucumbers have an excellent bleaching property and are also filled with various vitamins and minerals. Rub a few cucumber slices on your dark armpits and leave its juice on your skin for 30 minutes then rinse off with water.

Potato remedy

Potatoes are also great for treating pigmentation. Apply the potato extract and juice directly in the underarms for approximately 10 minutes then rinse it off. This will also help in smoothening and softening the skin. 

Orange peel

Oranges have the same bleaching properties that lemons do. But with a sweet fragrance added to it. When applied on the underarm’s skin, the orange peel will not only put forth its bleaching foot but will also act as a natural deodorant and battle underarm odour.