A disposable blade is used to deposit pigment onto the surface of the skin (Photo: Shutterstock)

If you’re tired of filling in your brows every morning or needing to get them shaped every two weeks, then microblading might be the option for you. 

What is microblading?

Microblading is an artificial, realistic-looking method of filling in your brows. It differs from tattooing in that microblading is semi-permanent, unlike getting tattooed brows.

Which tools are used?

A disposable blade, shaped like a pen, that contains many tiny needles is used to create feather-like strokes. The needles scratch the surface of the skin depositing pigment onto the epidermis. These strokes resemble natural brow hair.

What is the process used?

To begin with, your eyebrows are shaped and the  excess hair is removed. This prepares the area for the microblading process. 

A numbing cream is then applied to the area. It’s now time for measuring. The area is measured bearing in mind the right shape and thickness of the eyebrows. A clear map is drawn to guide the technician.

The pigment is then applied with the use of the microblading tool. If you feel any discomfort at this stage, more numbing cream can be applied.

A final layer of pigment is then added before the area is cleaned up. Should there be any gaps, you can schedule a top up session. 

 Eyebrows that have been microbladed look more natural than those that have been tattooed (Photo: Shutterstock)

What should you expect after microblading?

As your eyebrows begin to heal, you might notice some irritation. Your brows might change colour and even look as if they have faded. Your skin could become flaky. But as you heal, these should ease off.

How different is microblading from tattooing your eyebrows?

In microblading the pigment is placed on the outer layer of the skin unlike in tattooing where it is placed in a deeper layer.

The pigment used in microblading is semi-permanent which means that after about a year to 18 months, it will fade and you’ll need a top up. 

Eyebrows that have been microbladed look more natural than those that have been tattooed. 

Before going for microblading, get a patch test to determine if you have any allergies or reactions to the process. 

Consult your beautician on the best shape and colour for your brows since this is an irreversible process that you can only change after about a year.

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