Police constable Amina Mutio Ramadhan (Courtesy)

Social media sensation Police constable Amina Mutio Ramadhan advice to Kenyans on how to react when confronted by police

·Do not run away: Running away would suggest that there is something sinister and possibly criminal that you are harbouring.

·Follow instructions: If an officer asks you for information be honest and truthful. The information might be of help to you or someone else.

·Obey the law: Do not do anything that is against the law. For instance, do not speed. The law is meant to protect all members of the public.

·Do not be rude or rowdy: Police are trained to maintain law and order. Acting rowdy is creating disorder and police ought to act to curb it.

·Cooperate: It wouldn’t hurt to help the police get information that they are looking for – whether they are conducting an investigation or just combing through an area.

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