The idea for this book, A candid handbook for Women doing business in Kenya, stemmed from a conversation with very successful women when one of its authors, Patricia Okelo was on a visit to the United States attending a series of workshops.

Being one who enjoys candid conversations, she could not wait to replicate some of the discussions back in Kenya; to share women’s stories and lessons learnt.

It was then that she approached her sister-in-law, J.C, Niala co-author of the book, and explained that she would like to create the kind of book she wished would have been around when she first went into business.

As a creative with a passion for stories that change people’s lives, it didn’t take much to sell her on the idea, and so started the survey that led to the making of this book.

In it is a guide for every woman who has ever thought of going into business but didn’t know where to start.

It sets itself apart from any other book on doing business successfully by being written for people in Kenya with a bias on issues women face especially seeing that women are the driving force behind Kenya’s economy.

Divided into three parts of four chapters each. After every chapter is a summary of the key ideas in the chapter, questions that help you understand the chapter better and a few blank pages to jot down your thoughts. Of course, this wouldn’t be a book for Kenyan women in business, if it had no Kenyan women’s voices, and it is loaded with women candidly sharing their experiences in business. From fashion designers to those running NGOs and everyone else in between.

The book is available at Text Book Centre, Bookstop or on the website for Sh2000 hardcover and Sh,650 paperback