A sea salt solution is an effective antiseptic for all skin types (Photo: Shutterstock)

Wearing studs and hoops on the nose is a cute trend that has been there for decades. Everyone seems to love them and people are still rushing to get their nose pierced.

First ensure that you’re getting the procedure done at a reputable parlor that meets all the hygiene standards. This will save you from ‘piercing-gone-wrong’ situations.

The next step is aftercare. This is what you should and shouldn’t do when taking care of a healing nose piercing.

i. Use a saline solution to clean

A sea salt solution is an effective antiseptic for all skin types. It’s gentle and it rarely causes any irritation. The trick is to mix the right amount of salt and distilled water so that it’s not too strong or too mild. A strong solution will irritate the area while one that’s too dilute won’t work properly.

ii. Always handle with clean hands

Bacteria can transfer from your hands to the piercing and cause infections. You should always disinfect your hands with soap and water every time you touch your piercing for cleaning.

iii. Clean the area properly

You should disinfect at least twice a day for good results. Don’t twist and turn the piercing in a rough way and just use a cotton swab to gently clean. Remember to wipe the jewelry as well because a lot of bacteria settle there.

iv. Avoid playing with the jewellery

The area needs to settle so that cell regeneration begins gradually. If you’re constantly twisting the jewellery and tampering with the piercing, you might disrupt the healing process. The chances of getting an infection are also higher because you’re constantly transferring bacteria from your hands. Let the area rest for a while to ensure it heals properly.

 Avoid touching your nose ring unnecessarily so as not to dirupt the healing process (Photo: Shutterstock)

v. Don’t remove the jewellery 

Some people usually get so excited that they want to try out different nose rings right away. This is a bad idea because it could disrupt the healing process completely. The piercing might react to the new jewelry because it’s still very sensitive which leads to an infection. And, there’s also the risk of bacteria. In some cases, the piecing might start closing up if you leave it bare for a while, then you’ll have to go and get it redone.

vi. Keep the area free of harsh chemicals

Some skin care products can irritate your piercing if you’re not careful. As you use the products you love, make sure none of it gets to the area.

vii. Apply makeup with a clean brush or sponge

The best thing would be to avoid applying makeup on that area for a while. If you must, always use a clean brush or sponge to avoid severe infections.

viii. Be on the lookout for any signs of an infection

Observe it until it heals. If you notice your jewelry is sinking deeply into your skin, bumps, boils, puss, severe pain, bleeding and other unusual signs, you need to get checked. Maybe your skin is reacting to the jewelry or you’re dealing with an infection.

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