Consider your setting

As a wedding guest, the most important thing to remember is “the wedding is about the bride, not you!” that means no dramatic or overly seductive clothing or makeup that screams “look at me!”

Prime, prime, prime

Between the ceremony, reception, and possible after parties, wedding days can be long days. To make sure your makeup lasts – and looks perfect for all the photos you’ll be taking- prime your skin before applying a good coverage foundation so you only have to worry about enjoying yourself and having fun instead of touching up your makeup every two minutes.

It’s all in the eyes

Your eye shadow should not necessarily ‘match’ your outfit; it should however ‘complement’ the colors on your dress. If you want your eye shadow to stand out, use warm shades rich in pigment, like metallic golds, bronze, deep burgundy, purple, emerald green and deep shades of blue.

Add some definition

For beautifully defined eyes, line your eyes on top by drawing a fine line to frame the eyes naturally. For the final touch, apply a coat of mascara to the top lashes. Choose a mascara that adds volume and is waterproof or semi-waterproof.

Add a touch of elegance to your lips

Lip colors have the ability to add an heir of class to your entire makeup look, so choose wisely. Matte lipsticks are quite on trend mostly because of the variety of rich colors but also because of their staying power. The down side is that they have a tendency to dry out your lips and over time leave your lips cracked.


Ruthie Kinuthia is an award winning professional makeup artist and founder of Makeup by Ruthie.



