Purpose to live a simpler, uncluttered life with less stuff. But where does one begin to de-clutter without being sucked into the boredom?

Like the rest of your life, failing to plan is planning to fail. On a monthly or even quarterly basis plan how you will de-clutter each room in the house rather than attempt to sort out the whole house at one go.

Troublesome rooms can be allocated three months to de-clutter. With the hassle of every day life and pressing demands from careers and family, finding a free weekend to de-clutter can prove to be an uphill task.

Commit to organising a section of the house for just 15 minutes a day. This can be a chaotic drawer or a section of the store.

By the end of the week you will have made more progress than if you had waited for an ideal day to do it all.

Constantly think of clever storage solutions that you can use to arrest the clutter prone areas such as entrances, pantries, laundry, study rooms or dressing tables.

Get rid of objects that provide visual disarray by finding matching storage containers which will create a uniform and harmonious appearance.

For instance, using same stylish food containers to store dry ingredients in a pantry or using matching wicker baskets to store socks in the wardrobe.

The inner door of a wardrobe can be used to hang necklaces and earrings that would otherwise create a chaotic dressing table worktop.

Train other family members on how to keep the house orderly – housekeeping is a gigantic task that requires the co-operation of the entire household.

Give clear instructions where things should be placed such as letters and revision school papers.

Keep laundry baskets in each room and keep a donation container for used items such as clothes that you or your children have outgrown.

No need to keep your size ten clothes in the hope of fitting in them when your fitness resolution is met.

If you haven't worn the outfit for six months chances are that you need to surrender that outfit to the donation bag.