The struggle to keep healthy glowing skin almost seems impossible, but it isn't (Shutterstock)

As we grow older, our skin becomes more sensitive and exposure to sunlight or unknown cosmetic products can cause serious damage to our skin.

With that in mind, the struggle to keep healthy glowing skin almost seems impossible, without forgetting the additional wrinkles that will start showing with age.

Although growth is a normal phenomenon that we should accept, letting our skin age prematurely is another story all together. We look at some common reasons why your skin could be ageing faster that your age.

Lack of sleep

Your body generally needs at least seven hours of sleep every night to rejuvenate and renew its body cells, when you don’t get enough sleep your cells are likely to age faster.

Also, when you get enough sleep it only means you are not stressed.


As you grow older the responsibilities just keep coming and you can’t help worry about unpaid bills and probably relationship problems.

Stress will alter the protein composition in your skin and reduce elasticity hence making you look older than you really are.


Although solitude may not necessarily mean loneliness but it can trigger the same thing, ageing.

Human beings are naturally wired to be around other living things, get a pet if you must but don’t live alone.

Loneliness is likely to trigger and promote stress which is a big contributor to premature ageing.

Processed foods

Foods rich in oils, fats and sugar like chips and soda are likely shorten telomeres, a chromosome structure that marks your biological age.

Your body is basically what you eat, the older you get the more healthier meals you should eat.

 As we grow older, our skin becomes more sensitive and exposure to unknown cosmetic products can cause serious damage (Shutterstock)
Too much alcohol

There is nothing as refreshing as a cold beer washing down your throat after a long day of work but you should always remember to drink with moderation.

Taking too much alcohol dehydrates your skin living it looking saggy.


Cigarettes contain nicotine that causes blood vessels to narrow, which reduces the amount of oxygen and nutrients that flow to the skin as a result your skin will lack proper nutrition and age faster.

You might just consider quitting that habit after all.

You don’t work out

Exercising helps the muscles stay flexible and more enduring for vigorous exercises, also when you muscles stay tight your skin is less likely to sag.

When your body is not used to exercise, you muscles are weakened and this could also increase your risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Tip: Always remember to take your eight glasses of water every day. Water not only keeps you hydrated but it flashes out toxins in your body leaving your skin looking healthy and supple.